Blood and biochemical test

  • Do not eat anything or drinking small amounts of water
  • Be calm before the test
  • No medication or antibiotics / 3 days ago /
  • Don't eat fatty, spicy or fried foods / 3 days ago /
  • No alcohol / 3 days ago /
  • Give before testing other tests. Examples: ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, CT

Urology test

  • Do not eat colored foods like coffee, chocolate, etc. / Before 1 day/
  • People who do physical work and exercise should refrain from exersize before 3 days
  • Bring to a designated disposable container or return to the laboratory for disposal
  • Deliver urine to the laboratory within 2 hours of placing in a sample container
  • Bring morning urine sample
  • Take sample from the middle part of the urine
  • Do not test during menstruation 

Gynecological examination

  • The external genitalia should be washed
  • No vaginal suppositories or other treatments / 2 days ago /
  • No vaginal washing or deodorant spray / 2 days ago /
  • Absence from sexual intercourse / 2 days ago /
  • Do not test during menstruation

Computer tomography

  • Dietary guidelines vary depending on the test. In some cases, it is necessary not to eat for 5-6 hours.
  • Be sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant or might be pregnant
  • In case of contraindications, inform your doctor
  • Nausea and allergies may occur with contrast agents. If you have allergies inform in advance

Men's screening

  • The genitals should be washed
  • Do not urinate in the morning, or do not urinate for 2-3 hours
  • No sexual intercourse from 24-48 hours

Bacteriology test

  • Give a sample before antibiotic treatment. If antibiotic treatment is started, take a test gap for 8 to 10 hours
  • Take a test sample to prevent external contamination with a clean, large-mouthed container or sterile cotton swab.
  • For sputum tests, wash your mouth thoroughly in the morning, rinse your throat with boiled water, and give a good cough and sputum.
  • Perform a throat swab test in the morning without brushing your teeth or mouth
  • When testing for tapeworm, do not wash the anus in the morning, but come in the morning and give the sample

Gastric endoscopy

  • Do not eat after 19:00 the night before the test and do not drink fluids in the morning
  • For anesthesia, come 1 hour before the appointment and see an anesthesiologist to prepare
  • In the case of have a gastric telescope with anesthesia, do not to drive or drive alone that day

Colon endoscopy

  • Come the day before the test and take with bowel cleanser and instructions
  • Drink the laxative according to the instructions, and do good exercise, such as going up and down stairs, walking around the room, etc.
  • For anesthesia, come 1 hour before the appointment and see an anesthesiologist to prepare
  • In the case of have a gastric telescope with anesthesia, do not to drive or drive alone that day
  • In some cases, the test may turn into surgery, so ask your endoscopist for advice.

Stool analysis

  • Put a large napkin in a well-cleaned, well-drained toilet
  • Cut off 1/3-2/3 of the spoon from the stool mounted on the lid of the sterilized container
  • The stool should be free of urine
  • The sample should not be dried



  • Test on an empty stomach or 6-8 hours after a meal
  • Have bladder urine
  • People who are overweight or bloated should not eat gas-producing foods (milk, dairy products, carbonated drinks, eggs) for 3 days
  • Wear comfortable clothing


  • Do not use products that increase heart rate (energy drinks, coffee, alcohol ....)


Prostate and uterine abnormalities require bladder urination, and bladder urination is not required for pregnancies older than 3 months. No special preparation for thyroid or breast ultrasound is required.


  • Dietary guidelines vary depending on the test.
  • Be sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant or might be pregnant
  • Notify if there is any metal or implants in the body (spinal implants, teeth etc.)
  • You must remove or take off jewelry, and ornaments
  • If you have a biliary tract MRCP test, do eat anything
  • People who have claustrophobia should notify the doctor in advance.

Chest X-ray examination for pulmonary tuberculosis

  • In case of pregnancy or possible pregnancy, it is necessary to notify the doctor in advance
  • If you have had a chest X-ray or chest CT scan within the last 3 years, please bring the images and other information
  • A chest X-ray is not a definitive way to diagnose tuberculosis, so in case of doubt, your doctor may recommend additional tests (sputum test, CT scan, etc.) to clarify the diagnosis.



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All types of examination and tests

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